And now for the heavy stuff from
Chicken Shoot. Take a deep breath and read
loud. Chicken Shoot gets a 90's rating in its first
review from Xabre Gamers and now goes Gold in German,
Russian, Korean, French, Italian and English. Coming
soon, a very special three-language version for Switzerland
should help to make this shooter a super international
But that is not all; Chicken Shoot is to be published
in Germany, Switzerland and Austria by Alive and in
Russia and the CIS countries by our friends Akella.
All orders for the game from the USA and Canada will
be handled by Geneva Productions and we have uploaded
additional language packs for the demo and they are
available as of now.
More KnightShift; Work on
our baby in the English version is coming to a hectic
close and the German version is in the making, and
right now in Paris work is under way for France and
the French speaking territories of Europe by Arxel
Tribe. And just to finish for this week, ZUXXEZ is
now working in co-operation with SIS to support Xabre
graphic cards. Their card models 200, 400 and 600
will show outstanding, as yet unseen graphics, making
my pet project even better.
Together with ATI and Matrox, we
are very happy to say that ZUXXEZ is now working together
with the most innovative and best-known manufacturers
of per pixel shader graphic cards.
How do you pronounce our company name?
Together with Reality Pump that's where we are going!