SouthPeak Interactive, a leading independent videogame publisher, today announced they have signed a two-product publishing agreement with Las Vegas-based TopWare Interactive. The first game to be published will be Two Worlds, a role-playing game slated for a 1st quarter 2007 release on both PC and next gen consoles. Details on the second game in the agreement were not released today.
“We were looking for a publisher that would focus on giving our titles the aggressive promotion and distribution they deserve,” said James Seaman, managing director of TopWare. “SouthPeak was at the top of our list and we look forward to partnering with them to bring out titles to market.”
“TopWare is creating premium games - Two Worlds is a perfect example of the passion they bring to the medium,” said Katie Morgan, Executive Vice President of SouthPeak Interactive. “We have immense respect for their creative vision and can’t wait to work with them.”