Hit the 10.000-Dollar-jackpot!
+++ Cyber Pinball World Cup starts with free “Two Worlds” pin table“+++

Playing pinball isn’t only fun but now it can make you rich! Just download the “Two Worlds” PC pinball table at www.dream-pinball.com for free from August 12th on, start playing, and register from August 15th on. The one with the most points in a single game will win 10.000 Dollars on 31st August and be crowned the Cyber Pinball World Cup 2006 wizard. There are also cool prizes for second and third place so don’t sweat it if you don’t end up on top. The competition is part of the wide scale promotional activity for the role playing game
"Two Worlds"
The free pinball game is only one table from the upcoming blockbuster PC title “Dream Pinball 3D”, coming out later this summer. All features are playable, only the number of balls and the degree of difficulty are locked to keep the competition under the same parameters.