Grammy and Academy award winner joins „Two Worlds“
+++ Harold Faltermeyer composes the music for the new blockbuster RPG +++

ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG has acquired the talents of a Hollywood pro for the musical arrangement of the blockbuster RPG “Two Worlds“. Grammy and Academy award winner Harold Faltermeyer, mostly known for his work on the soundtracks of “Top Gun” and “Beverly Hills Cop”, will bring his vast expertise to the table when he creates a unique and mind-blowing atmosphere of sound for Two Worlds. His mix of gothic sounds and orchestral rock ballads are going to cast a spell over the players and deliver a punch to an already engaging storyline.
“The lively and detailed pictures from ‘Two Worlds’ are amazing. It will be my distinct pleasure and challenge to compose a soundtrack for the game”, says Faltermeyer. CEO Alexandra Constandache: „Music is playing a more important role in today’s gaming experience as the atmosphere truly depends on a good soundtrack. Thanks to Harold Faltermeyer we are now a step closer to our goal of making Two Worlds the definitive RPG of 2006.”