“Two Worlds” starts with a world premiere
+++ The role playing game and moveshots are now only a mouse click away +++

Karlsruhe, 3rd March 2005 – ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG has kicked off the official website for the role playing game “Two Worlds” at www.2-worlds.com. The site will be the major source of information about the title, and, besides news, the visitor will find a ton of screenshots, artwork, and wallpapers. The so called “moveshots” are one new highlight of the page. A “moveshot” is an animated screenshot that will allow an even deeper insight to the “Two Worlds” universe. Moreover a diary and various boards will be posted to inform the fans about the latest facts about the games’ development.
CEO Alexandra Constandache: „The new website offers a first taste of how unique, dark, and complex our new RPG will be. We wanted to establish a new standard in the genre with “Two Worlds“, and, therefore, have made a tremendous effort to create a great website that offers a first glimpse of the vast possibilities of our new fantasy world. We are especially proud of the moveshots. Common screenshots are not up to date any more and, moreover, they delude the gamer’s prospective with post processed fakes. Our moveshots present in particular a short and pure sequence from the game. In contrast to trailers, no post processing or blendes are used.”