„Earth 2160“: Buy one, get one free!
Everyone who registers Earth 2160 after the end of November will get an extra licence

Buy one, get one free! This slogan is usually tied to a pair of pantyhose or a loaf of bread, but ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG will bring this campaign into another dimension. All European buyers who register a version of “Earth 2160” between November 24th and December 31st 2005, will get an additional serial number via email for free. This license is fully transferable and can be given to a friend, family member or a fellow Earth 2160 fan!
CEO Alexandra Constandache: "After announcing the ‘Earth Universe’-Edition, which is set for release in the beginning of December, this new promotion will be yet another highlight in our marketing campaign for the holiday season. We expect that our ‘free serial number give-away’ will attract even more people to buy our game for Christmas and will definitely make December: ‘Earth’-month!”